Rabu, 23 Juni 2010

Purgatory - False Omen

its been a while that I'm not updating my blog, hopefully from now on I can update my blog more often. alas, here it is a game model I've done for Smite Entertainment, the title of the game is Purgatory The False Omen and the concept by Adrian Smith, The First Character is Witch Hunter (all props and Weapons are made by my friend Candra) and the Second Character is Arco Deacon

2 komentar:

ALL ABOUT GAMING PC mengatakan...

people who use glasses cool,..........
udah nggak ngerjain nfsu yg seri2 baru ya???

Art_Niallsimon mengatakan...

Hallo, thanks :)

iyah udah ga ikutan team NFSU lagi seabis yg pertama, karena kerja di game company laen pada waktu itu